this is fantastic! 😍
Turborepo template for
Next.js apps
A monorepo template designed to have everything you need to build your new SaaS app as thoroughly as possible. Free and open source, forever.
“A production-grade, monorepo-first, full stack Next.js template. Very thoughtfully engineered and documented. Covers auth, DB & ORM, payments, docs, blog, o11y, analytics, emails, and even feature flags & dark mode.”
next-forge currently has 5528 stars, 445 forks, and 42 open issues and 46 contributors.
Lightning-fast app template
Start building your app with a shadcn/ui template that's already set up with everything you need — Tailwind, Clerk and more.

Cross-platform API
Create an API microservice for many different apps, with a type-safe database ORM and webhook handlers.

React-based email templates
Create and preview email templates with a React-based email library, then send them with a simple API powered by Resend.

Robust, type-safe website
A twblocks website template with a type-safe blog, bulletproof SEO and legal pages, powered by BaseHub.

Stunning documentation
Simple, beautiful out of the box and easy to maintain documentation. Pages are automatically generated from your markdown files.

Visual database editor
Use Prisma to generate a type-safe client for your database, and Prisma Studio to visualize and edit it.

A frontend workshop
Built-in Storybook instance, allowing you to create reusable components and pages that can be tested and previewed in isolation.

Loved by the community
This is unbelievable wow
🤯 days of work in a single command
Man this is incredible work 🫶
and open source, well done 👏
RIP all other starter kits
no way this is free
i literally just asked for that and here it is - wow
Good riddance to $200 templates
Need to try this today
king shit
Not bad at all
Nice 👌
great work
Thank you 🙌
You guys rock
Wow! I always thought a Next.js template would cost around 200 bucks.
I wrote an article about the Next.JS boilerplate boom and what just killed it. Every next developer should check out this new template. @nextjs @haydenbleasel…
Damn @haydenbleasel where you been at all this time man 🤣🤣🤣, I spent months creating this
You guys just made a lot of next.js boilerplate owners really sad :D "build your saas in minutes, not weeks" can now disappear! lol
That's awesome!
Always exciting to see @prisma be a part of incredibly well designed and delivered solutions such as this one that empower developers worldwide to ship faster! Great work @haydenbleasel! 🙌
A production-grade, monorepo-first, full stack @nextjs template. $ npx next-forge init Very thoughtfully engineered and documented. Covers auth, db & orm, payments, docs, blog, o11y, analytics, emails, and even feature flags & dark mode.
Next Forge Enterprise Starter By: @haydenbleasel If you are working on more serious big scale product, instead of quick indie hacking, this is the best choice. It has everything a Big Scale enterprise level Software Product needs. A monorepo template designed to have…
Awesome work @haydenbleasel 🙌 Feel free to DM me any time if there is anything we can help with on the Prisma side of things.
🔥 Next.js Weekly #66 → Next-Forge by @haydenbleasel → Next.js Conf: All Sessions → Atomic CSS Devtools (@astahmer_dev) → next-ui-full-calendar → Next.js + Wordpress → Suspense Magic explained (@c_isambert) → Two Reacts (@bobaekang) (link in replies)
@haydenbleasel Thank's for !! 👏
humble contribution to the awesome next-forge repo
If you are starting your #IndieHacker journey, why not start with an open source boilerplate code, like next-forge? It was created by @haydenbleasel Today I tried it and it's INSANE the amount of features it has out of the box⬇️ #nextForge #buildInPublic #solopreneur
Para o pessoal que gosta de construir produtos, recentemente o pessoal da @vercel lançou uma ferramenta nova chamada next-forge. Uma cli que para criar estrutura de aplicação, com stripe, prisma auth e etc. Tu não precisa mais gastar comprando boilerplate:
📢 想要快速搭建生产级 Next.js 应用?Next-Forge 是你的不二之选! 🚀 一站式 monorepo 模板,专为“生产级 Next.js 应用”而设计,从创意到 Series A 一路相随 ⚡️ 预置分析、认证、支付等企业级功能 🎨 内置暗黑模式、博客系统等用户体验功能 🛠 完整的开发工具链与最佳实践
現在可用的技術太多或是做事情的方法太多,決定用什麼技術可能做你的 project 可能就花了大半時間,這邊可以試試 Next-forge 來 set up 你下一個 project,除了 Turborepo 和 Next.js 也會有其他常見的 features 比如 analytics、payments、SEO 等等
A production grade next.js template has released for free 🤯🤯 Authentication, billing, analytics, SEO, database ORM and more are included And this is an open source project 💥
just saw a tweet about a production-grade, monorepo-first, full-stack Next.js template that’s free and open source! isn’t this the kind of thing that puts some indie hackers out of business 👀
Man shipping in a monorepo setup has gotten so good these days. Everything just works!! I remember trying a similar setup years ago, and basically nothing worked. Had to run watch scripts to get stuff to build correctly If you missed it:
So... We have a framework (React), and we'll build a framework on top of it (Next.js), and then we'll build templates on top of that (Next Forge). Magnificent. I'm not a hater at all, it's quite fascinating .
If you have doubts, just look at the commit rate and the quick response time from Hayden. So much potential here, pin this reply, it’s going to be the T3 of monorepos!
Insane, thank you so much for sharing this project, has been unbelievably valuable for me both in learning and actual building, any way I can show support with $ contribution? Love your work mate Thanks again
Awesome work!
New next-forge webhooks page just dropped, and it's 🔥 Easily send webhooks to your customers using Svix and next-forge! Good job @haydenbleasel and the rest of the contributors. 🚀
New @tursodatabase guide for `next-forge` (h/t @haydenbleasel) 🎉
Interesting tool of the week: by @haydenbleasel We like: Quick start a new app with the website, docs, blog, and UI already set up with the latest tools. Auth, ORM, database, analytics, billing, emails, security, feature flags, all ready to go
Does this end boilerplate money run? Got recommendation from @rauchg himself…
A production-grade, monorepo-first, full stack @nextjs template. $ npx next-forge init Very thoughtfully engineered and documented. Covers auth, db & orm, payments, docs, blog, o11y, analytics, emails, and even feature flags & dark mode.
#产品分享 Next-Forge 是一款生产级 Next.js 应用模板,专为快速构建 SaaS 应用而设计。 - **闪电启动**:从零到生产仅需几分钟。 - **全面集成**:包含认证、支付、分析、SEO 等功能。 - **现代开发体验**:React 框架搭配 Rust 工具链,提供极致开发体验。 网站链接 👉…
Pumped to see Metabase featured in next-forge, helping developers build full-stack @nextjs apps with open source analytics 📊 Check out the docs to:
so is actually great. i am using it for some projects and its been such a head start.
Hate paying for boilerplates? Use this for free. It's open source and made by actual developers and not salesmen. You are welcome!
next forge rocks!
Best command i have encountered npx next-forge@latest init [my-project] If you are planning to create a mono-repo project take a look at this Thanks, @haydenbleasel, for this amazing tool. I am working on an affiliate vetting tool for bluesky, so stay…
Next Forge is a cool template to set up your projects, and it has some of the most latest tooling.
I'm still surprised that people can make a fortune by selling SaaS templates, when open-source projects like next-forge exist, which are completely free. Like seriously, how?
@haydenbleasel has been cooking. 🔥
Knock now ships as the default in-app notifications package in next-forge. @haydenbleasel went beast mode on this project and we’re excited @knocklabs is now a part of it.
Feels good ✨ If you're a fan of next-forge, check out the new guide on how to use it with EdgeDB 👇
🔔 We’re excited to power in-app notifications for next-forge in the new notifications package. Building a modern SaaS requires making a ton of decisions about which services to use, like auth, payments, or feature-flagging, and next-forge solves all that by providing a complete…
next-forge now has built-in support for in-app notifications, thanks to @J_Everhart383 and our friends at @knocklabs!…