Production-grade Turborepo template for Next.js apps

A monorepo template designed to have everything you need to build your new SaaS app as thoroughly as possible. Free and open source, forever.


npx next-forge@latest init
Nice words

“A production-grade, monorepo-first, full stack Next.js template. Very thoughtfully engineered and documented. Covers auth, DB & ORM, payments, docs, blog, o11y, analytics, emails, and even feature flags & dark mode.”

Guillermo Rauch, CEO of Vercel

Open source

next-forge currently has 5528 stars, 445 forks, and 42 open issues and 46 contributors.

Browse the source code

Lightning-fast app template

Start building your app with a shadcn/ui template that's already set up with everything you need — Tailwind, Clerk and more.


Cross-platform API

Create an API microservice for many different apps, with a type-safe database ORM and webhook handlers.


React-based email templates

Create and preview email templates with a React-based email library, then send them with a simple API powered by Resend.


Robust, type-safe website

A twblocks website template with a type-safe blog, bulletproof SEO and legal pages, powered by BaseHub.


Stunning documentation

Simple, beautiful out of the box and easy to maintain documentation. Pages are automatically generated from your markdown files.


Visual database editor

Use Prisma to generate a type-safe client for your database, and Prisma Studio to visualize and edit it.


A frontend workshop

Built-in Storybook instance, allowing you to create reusable components and pages that can be tested and previewed in isolation.

Always exciting to see @prisma be a part of incredibly well designed and delivered solutions such as this one that empower developers worldwide to ship faster! Great work @haydenbleasel! 🙌

Guillermo Rauch
Guillermo Rauch

A production-grade, monorepo-first, full stack @nextjs template. $ npx next-forge init Very thoughtfully engineered and documented. Covers auth, db & orm, payments, docs, blog, o11y, analytics, emails, and even feature flags & dark mode.


🔔 We’re excited to power in-app notifications for next-forge in the new notifications package. Building a modern SaaS requires making a ton of decisions about which services to use, like auth, payments, or feature-flagging, and next-forge solves all that by providing a complete…

Hayden Bleasel
Hayden Bleasel

next-forge now has built-in support for in-app notifications, thanks to @J_Everhart383 and our friends at @knocklabs!…
